"Rain is a Good Thing"

Luke Bryan says "Rain is a good thing"! I am starting to question that! We have been having a LOT of rain here lately.  My mud boots are getting a lot of use; the ground has taken in all the water it can! The ponds are running over and the cow’s feet are muddy! They stay in the barn and eat all day! Although, I am not loving this rain I do realize the benefits of this downpour! The first is our ponds and water reserves are filling up so if we do have a dry summer then we won’t have to haul water like my grandfather did a couple years ago! The second is our grass is growing! During summer we cut hay and put it up for the cows to eat during the winter or on a rainy day like today. If we were to have a lack of rain right when our grass and crops needed it we could have a shortage which in turn would make us either buy from other more fortunate farmers or use up all emergency resources.  


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