Fat is Flat
Another FDST 269 blog! I love this class.
We were talking about carcasses and live cattle. My professor, Dr. Loveday, said "Fat is Flat and Muscle is Round." This got me to thinking about my entire life from body issues within my friend group to picking out show heifers! It really got me to thinking about when I was talking to the Meier family. Lydell said he liked a round muscle and Holly liked a flatter muscle. My mother, because every good thought is from your mothers mouth, said how runners have long stretchy muscles and sprinters have short quick response muscles. All of this brought me back to what Loveday said to begin with. The consumer perception of what a good cut is, is so perceived as a bland cut with no fat! Fat is good, specks of fat in the meat (marbling is good.) The fat and marbling helps make your steak juicy and flavorful. Loveday said fat is flat and muscle is round, so how I interrupt this is we need both. Body issues and good beef relate in so many positive ways, I will address the nutritional qualities another day.
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